

How can we Be Better?

We are committed to progressing our economic, environmental, and social practices. From innovative eco-conscious materials to our, “on continent, for continent” manufacturing approach, we are on a mission to BE BETTER.

our commitments & accomplishments

  • 2025
    Net-Zero Water Usage.
  • Achieve net-zero waste throughout our entire value chain.
  • Decrease energy usage and CO2 emissions by 10% every year.
  • Achieve 100% renewable energy in owned or operated facilities.
  • Increase the use of sustainable materials in products by 50% overall.
  • 2022
    Introduce 100% recyclable packaging.
  • Increase charitable giving by 300%.
  • Develop a fully closed-looped mannequin material solution.
  • 2021
    End-of-Life program established for all products.
  • Established health & wellness program for all employees.
  • Introduced Re-Flex, a 100% closed-loop recyclable material solution for a sustainable mannequin.
  • 2020
    82% of all materials are sourced in the US.
  • Women’s Leadership Board was established.
  • 60% minority representation among employees.

we’re not waiting on sustainable solutions; we’re creating them.

re-flex: 100% recyclable mannequin


Download our Impact Report for an in-depth look at priorities + targets in sustainability across our value chain.

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